Nutrition during pregnancy: How to eat at parties Datetime:04 May 2024

During pregnancy we go through different stages in relation to nutrition, three main ones that coincide with the three trimesters. In the first trimester, nausea predominates and we may be surprised that several of the foods we usually consume suddenly dislike us. In the second trimester, we call it “fullness” because those discomforts and sensations disappear or are minimal. In the third, many mothers experience a feeling of heaviness, justified by the fact that the baby puts pressure on the bladder and intestines at the same time that breathing is difficult. It is the nutritionist's role to guide food and nutrient intake during this significant period for women, which is the gestation of a new being. Tips for before, during and after the celebrations Before – No fasting A mistake that some women make (pregnant and not pregnant) is practically fasting all day before a night of celebration. This is not only useless, but also harmful: our body suffers the impact and even more so in the case of pregnancy, if food is not consumed for more than 12 hours, the possibility of premature birth increases (due to elevation of the corticotropin hormone). ). It is also not useful to eat too little or skip meals, you must comply with the usual nutritional plan. During – The law of three courses One starter dish, one main dish and one dessert. What fits into each one and nothing more. It is not advisable to continue snacking between dishes and repeating is discouraged. The calories will be more than enough if we consume a fresh starter, that is, vegetables prevail over higher-calorie foods. The main dish to choose can be made up of lean meats (if it has fat it is removed before consuming it), from the chicken we are going to select the skinless breast, and the pork consumed in moderation has beneficial fatty acids and is accompanied again by vegetables. On a dessert-sized plate, place the sweet that you are going to consume, this way you control the portion, but at the same time enjoy it. Afterwards – No excess with leftovers If the celebration was in our house, place what you can in the freezer and what you cannot distribute among the guests, the idea is not to eat leftover vitel thoné, salad for a week straight Russian, very heavy meats, sweet bread and so on. After the holidays, do not go on a strict diet, as it is harmful for the mother and the baby. Examples of a healthy night Starter: arugula, spinach, hard-boiled egg and cherries salad. Aceto and olive. Another option (somewhat more caloric) would be a portion of vitel thoné with some fresh vegetables. Main course: baked vacuum with mustard with pumpkin soufflée, or green chicken with carrots with oregano. Dessert: a glass of fruit salad with a portion of ice cream, ten almonds and a small piece of nougat. Sweet bread, puddings and other desserts, you can consume a slice without guilt! Remember that the raw vegetables consumed must be well washed, the meats well cooked and half a glass of alcohol for the toast, during meals prioritize water, which is the healthiest for the baby.
